Kasra Amini: “Experimental Investigation on Particle-Laden Flows of Viscoelastic Fluids in Micro-Channels Using Optical Coherence Tomography”

Kasra Amini presented at the Nordic Rheology Conference (NRC-2022), Reykjavik, Iceland “Experimental Investigation on Particle-Laden Flows of Viscoelastic Fluids in Micro-Channels Using Optical Coherence Tomography” ABSTRACT: The introduction of particles to fluid flow is considered as a source of alterations in the viscosity-based behavior of the macroscopic flow field. The bilateral interactions between the solid […]
The 2nd YIELDGAP School

The 2nd YIELDGAP School was organized by UNINA and held in Anacapri (Italy) between 11th and 15th of July 2022. The aims of the second School were to: (1) provide the ESRs applications of viscoplastic fluids in industrial processes, highlighting the importance of their rheological properties, (2) introduce the ESRs to methods for solving the […]
The 1st YIELDGAP School

The 1st YIELDGAP School was organized by the network coordinator KTH, and held in a digital format due to the ongoing pandemic on 13-17 December 2021. The aim of the first School was to: (1) provide to the ESRs a basic introduction to yield-stress fluids (YSFs), and computational and experimental methods used to study them […]
The YieldGap Cordis programme

YIELD-stress fluids beyond Bingham – closing the GAP in modelling real-world yield-stress materials
Objectives for the Project

Industries based on yield-stress fluids are rapidly expanding in Europe, including key traditional sectors (food, building,paper) and key emerging technologies (advanced materials, advanced manufacturing). The European Parliament has called for investment on these sectors, but so far complex fluid processes in these industries are far from understood, as the research has generally been small scale […]
YieldGap, Grant agreement ID: 955605

‘Stubborn’ materials yield to the momentum of enthusiastic young researchers Materials like toothpaste, mayonnaise, cement and mud are not commonly thought of as fluids by most of us. However, in the realm of materials science, these materials are called ‘yield-stress fluids’: they ‘flow’ only if a large enough shear stress is exerted on them, causing […]