The 2nd YIELDGAP School was organized by UNINA and held in Anacapri (Italy) between 11th and 15th of July 2022.
The aims of the second School were to: (1) provide the ESRs applications of viscoplastic fluids in industrial processes, highlighting the importance of their rheological properties, (2) introduce the ESRs to methods for solving the mathematical models governing the dynamics of fluids, with a special focus on the finite element method, (3) introduce the ESRs to the rheology of solid particle suspensions and emulsions, (4) introduce the ESRs to scientific writing.
In addition to the planned lectures indicated in the YIELDGAP GA, a day and a half of the School was dedicated to presentations given by the ESRs aimed at showing to the consortium the current status of their projects. Since all the ESRs were finished or almost finishing the first PhD year, this was a good opportunity to share their research activity, leading to discussions, collaborations, and suggestions from the other ERSs/partners. Each ESR prepared a 30-minute presentation about an introduction of the project, the methods used in their activity, the obtained results, and the future work. After the presentation, each ESR received many questions and comments from the audience. Several connections between the projects emerged, strengthening the collaborations between the partners of the consortium.